
The early Toarcian extinction event, once regarded as spanning in the late Pliensbachian–early Toarcian boundary period, actually occurred in two distinct phases in the early Toarcian of the Iberian Range. The first episode occurred in the Mirabile Subzone, Tenuicostatum Zone and is characterised by the disappearance of about 12% of ostracod species and one suborder, the Metacopina (Superfamily Healdioidea). This study shows that this suborder disappears during stratigraphical intervals that are considered to be representative of low oxygen conditions in the Iberian Range. The collapse of marine ecosystems (affecting up to 40% of ostracod species) in the Elegantulum Subzone, Serpentinum Zone was most likely triggered by a sudden and widespread lethal increase in seawater temperature. These combined processes of oxygenation and temperature change are considered to be responsible for the profound changes in marine environments that resulted in the early Toarcian ostracod extinction in the Iberian Range.

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