
Three hundred and twenty-eight finger replantations and revas-cularizations in 247 patients were performed between January 1998 and March 2002 at the Trauma Center of the Department of Plastic & ReconstruCtive Surge, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou Medical Center. Early microvascular results and certain potential factors were analysed retrospeCtively. The survival rates of fingers were compared among the different age groups, the different degrees of injury, the different mechanical types of injury, the different levels of amputation, and the different ischemia time. Ten risk factors for survival were analysed by multiple logistic regression analysis in this study: patient's age, smoking or not, degree of amputation, mechanical type of injury, amputated level, number of venous anastomosis, number of arterial anastomosis, using vessel graft for artery or not, using vein graft for vein or not, and ischemia time. The overall success rate is 75.6% (248/328). The statistic results by multiple logistic regression analysis reveal the incomplete amputation that doesn't need venous microanastomosis (type B) is the most important good factor for finger survival, and the diffuse crush amputation is the worst factor for finger survival. Furthermore, by using the multiPle logistic regression analysis based on the database of this series, we can prediCt the finger survival rate when a new finger-amputated patient coming.

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