
Reviews 101 RachelBrown,The Еаф Flute: Л Practica IGuide (Cambridge University Press,2003),200 pp. In theworldof earlymusicit is uncommonfora renowned performer to author a detailedmanual of instrumental history, technique, andstyle. British flutist RachelBrownhasdonejustthisin herbook,whichis a thorough analysis ofthehistory offlute-making fromthebaroqueerato thetwentieth century as wellas a guideto performance practiceof earlymusic.She dividesthebook intofive sections: historical sources, thedevelopment oftheflute 1700-1900, technique, style, and case studies. In hersurvey ofthedevelopment oftheflute, Brownstresses the fact that instrument underwentenormous changes duringthe eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. She describesandgivesphotographicexamplesof instruments producedbythegreatEuropean makers inParis, London,Berlin, andelsewhere including thefamous keyed-system flutes ofTheobaldBoehm,whoisgenerally regarded as theinventor ofthe"modernflute." Brownalso detailsthedevelopmentof thepiccolo and alto fluteas wellas modern-day copies of historical instruments, whichareinusebymany early musicperformers . She makes a point of pairingspecifichistorical models with composersranging from J.S. Bach to Dvořák,including repertoire, andgiving someisolatedpassagesas examples. The "technique" section ofthebookdealswithelementsspecific toflute-playing suchas blowing, fingering, andtonguing, whereasthe lengthychapteron stylediscusses a broad range of termsand conceptsapplicableto allsegments oftheearly musicworld.Brown leavesno stoneunturned inthelisting andexplanation ofornamentation , againciting copiousexamplesfrom theFrench, German,Italian, andEnglishrepertoire. Shealsodiscussesstyles ofvibrato, stress, and phrasing whichmight be ofinterest to anybaroqueperformer. Brown concludes her book with a case study,givingmore examplesof ornamentation and articulation as appliedto specific worksfrom thestandard repertoire. Shealsoincludesfingering charts 102 Bach of simple-system flutes and a listing ofimportant flute treatises and tutors from1700to 1923. Brownhas authored a well-researched history oftheflute from thebaroqueeratothetwentieth century. Although ofprimary interest to flutists, it will be an importantsource of information about performance practiceto anyoneventuring into theworldof early music.I recommend itto allBACH readers. Sean Gabriel ...

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