
This study seeks to investigate the dynamism defined by social norms and values among educated rural youth in the Moroccan Middle Atlas because we belong to this rural milieu and this field is still a fertile field for sociological research. We relied on the qualitative approach in collecting data, where we depended on the semidirected interview and observation with participation as tools for collecting field data. As for the approach that we followed in the analysis, we have adopted the scientific approach of Max Weber as it helps us understand the meanings and indications behind the actions and attitudes of the actors within the studied community. The basic conclusions that we can draw are that in rural area, despite the development it has recently witnessed, we cannot definitely talk about a transition from one situation to another, but rather there is continuity of some customs within modern institutions, and therefore the change that occurs to social and cultural structures is not a radical change, but rather a superficial change. Also, although the rural areas have been invaded by the new socialization agents (school, media and civil society associations), they could not eliminate the role of the traditional socialization agents such as the nuclear and the extended family, as most of the behavioral values still derive their ingredients from the family framework such as obedience, compliance, defect, forbidden, discontent and contentment. These values govern man's relationship with women and the relationship between young and old

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