
Preface The Tradition of Aristotelian Natural Philosophy. Two These and Seventeen Answers, Chritoph Luthy, Cees Leijenhorst and Johannes M.M.H. Thijssen Modifications of the Method of Inquiry in Aristotle's Physics I.1: An Essay on the Dynamics of the Ancient Commentary Tradition, Frans A.J. De Haas Latitude of Forms in Ancient Philosophy, Richard Sorabji The Sweetness of Honey: Philoponus against the Doctors on Supervening Qualities, Sylvia Berryman Status and Method of Psychology according to the Late Neoplatonists and their Influence during the Sixteenth Century, Peter Lautner The Aristotelian Foundations of Arabic Mechanics: From the Ninth to the Twelth Century, Mohammed Abattouy Medieval Natural Philosophy: Empiricism without Observation, Edward Grant Matter and Form in Thirteenth-Century Discussions of Infinity and Continuity, Cecilia Trifogli The Notion of Dimensiones indeterminatae in the Commentary Tradition of the Physics in the Thirteenth and the Early Fourteenth Century, Silvia Donati John the Canon on Time and Motion. A Case Study in Aristotelian Natural Philosophy and Early Scotism, Dirk-Jan Dekker Space and Spirit in the Tradition from Aristotelian to Newtonian Science, Edith Sylla Aristotle and Galen on Neutral Bodies. Perspectives on Aristotle's and Galen's Auctoritates in Late Medieval and renaissance Medicine, Timo Joutsivuo Italian Aristotelianson the Debate over the Subalternation of Medicine to Natural Philosophy, Heikki Mikkeli University Natural Philosophy in Renaissance Italy: The Decline of Aristotelianism? , David A. Lines The Social Situation of the Study if Aristotelian Natural Philosophy in the Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries, Charles Lohr Natural Science and Human Knowledge in Giordano Bruno's Comments on Aristotelian Physics, Leen Spruit The Erosion of Aristotelianism. Confessional Physics in Early Modern Germany and the Dutch Republic, Cees Leijenhorst & Christoph Luthy The Aristotelianism at the Core of Leibniz's Philosophy, Christina Mercer Bibliography Index of Names List of Contributors

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