
Shorea is one of the largest genus in Dipterocarpaceae with 194 species in the world, ±160 originated from Malesia region and consisted of ±125 species in Indonesia. Shorea population which grown in Indonesia have high economic value of wood. Distribution of Shorea would be affected by some factors especially edaphic, climate, and altitude. Based on the observation of speciment collection in Herbarium Bogoriense, Shorea were highest distributed in 0-500 m and 500-1000 m of the altitude in Dipterocarps forest type. Borneo (102 species) and Sumatera (52 species)islands were highest distributed habitat of Shorea species and population. Shorea distributon pattern in Indonesia have high endemicity, especially it grow in Borneo. Shorea trees start to flower at 8-10 years and usually it mast flowers every 4-5 years. Shorea grow in some habitats such as lowland dipterocarp forest (98 species), hill forest (57 species), coastal forest (12 species), peat swamp forest (11 species), heath forest (11 species), swamp forest (6), riparian forest (6 species) and limestone forest (2 species).

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