
The objective of the present study was to study the diversity of marine macroinvertebrates in coral reef area in Aceh Besar waters. This research was conducted in September 2012 until February 2013in nine locations in the waters of Aceh Besar district, namely: AmatRamanyang, Lampuuk, PulauDituan, LhokKetapang, LhokSeudu 1, LhokSeudu 2, Deudap 1, Deudap 2, and Lamteung. The macroinvertebrates were recorded using three repeated 20 m belt transect in two different depths (2-4 m and 4-8 m) in each site. The result showed 46 species of macroinvertebratesbelonging toseven phyla were recorded. The diversity index in research station ranged between 0.88 - 2.26 (low to medium category).

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