
The objective of the present study was to study the composition and abundance of reef fish (Family Chaetodontidae) in coral reef area in Aceh Besar waters. This research was conducted in September 2012 until February 2013. The study was conducted in eight locations in the waters of Aceh Besar district: Amat Ramanyang, LhokKetapang, PulauDituan, Lampuuk, LhokSeudu, Leupung, Pulo Aceh and Lamteng. The fish was recorded using Visual Census Method in two different depth (3-4 m and 6-8m) with three replication in each depth. The result found eight species of fish in 3-4 m depth and 11 species in 6-8 m depth. The total individuals of fish that was found were 83 individuals in 3-4 m deep and 117 individuals in 6-8 m depth. The diversity index in 3-4 m depth ranged 0.3 to 1.1 where this value included in low to medium category and 6-8 m depth ranged 0.3 to 1.6 where this value included in low to mediumcategory.

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