
1) Soil blocks from seven moorland areas in the United Kingdom representing a range of soil types were collected together, treated with ash from burnt heather and left exposed to weather for 12 months. 2) Plots at three sites were similarly treated after being cleared of vegetation. Similar plots were burned or cleared but not treated. 3) Soil samples were taken at intervals and analysed for extractable mineral nutrients. Rainwater sampled regularly at these sites was also analysed. 4) At five sites the nutrients dissolved from the ash were almost wholly retained in the surface organic layer. At two sites with sandy soils some movement down the profile was also recorded. 5) Some uptake of nutrients by regenerating vegetation occurred. This was most notable on the soil blocks from the areas with the lowest nutrient status. 6) Income by precipitation greatly exceeded the amounts carried down the profile. It was concluded that this income more than made good any losses of mineral nutrients likely to occur by leaching of heather ash after burning. Pe30ome 1. lOl'BeHHIm e MOHOJIHTLT, B3HTbIe H3 7 BepeuLaTHHKOB BeRIRKo6pHTaHIIH, npeRCTaBJISIToLX eAHbIR PAA IIO'qBeHHbIX THnOB, co6paHM6 B ORHO MeCTO, o6pa6oTaHbl 30J1O coxoieHHorO BepeCKa H OCTaBj1eHb Ha OTKpbITOM B03,gyXe Ha 12 MecHLxeB. 2. HIOqBeHHbIe HnTOigaAKH B 3 yiaCTiax ocBo6oxcgeHbI OT paCTHTeNjbHOCTH H o6pa6oTaHM6 CXOAHbIM o6pa3oM. oxAo6HbIe rnjoI1aRgKH 6bIur COKKeHbI Him OqeHU6H OT paCTHTeJIBHOCTI, HO He o6pa6oTaHbl. 3. '1epe3 pa3JIRlHbI e HnpoMe;YTKH BpeMeHH C HCCfIeAOBaHHMIX y'IaCTKOB 6paJIR HO'IBeHHbIe npo6bI, B KOTOPbIX oipeqesiAiiH cogepxcaHze paCTBOPHMbIX MHHepaHjhH]IX cojieli. Ha 3THX wce yqacTKax peryJIspHo co6iaparnH goKxceBYlO BOAy. 4. Ha 5 yiaCTKax MlHepajIbHbie COJIH, BbIMbIBaeMbme H3 30JZb1, IO'ITH HOJIHOCTMO OCTalOTCS Ha lOBsepXHOCTH opraHzqecKoro CJIOA. Ha 2 y'aCTKaX C necmaHOR HOlBOR 3aperHCTpHpOBaHO OIIYCKaH1{e 30JIbHbIX 3JIeMeHTOB BHH3 1I10 HOYlBeHHOMY npo4)HJIIO. 5. HeKOTopaq laCTB 3OJIEHbIX 3JieMeHTOB yCBaHBaeTCA BOCCTaHaBJIHBaToTiie2iCri paCTHTejibHOCTMO. 3TO oco6eHHo 3aMeTHO B HO'lBeHHbIX MOHOJIRTaX, B3ATbIX H3 MeCT C HaH6ojlee BMICOKHM co~epxaH~eM 30JIbHbIX 3)IeMeHTOB. 6. YBeJIWieHHe cogaepKaHHIK ocaqK)raKioL xcS MHHepaJIbHXIX coneft HaMHoro fipeBbillfaeT KOIWHIeCTBO OIIYCKaiOWLLHXCA BHH3 no0 nOBeHHOMY Hpo0n{HIIo 3OJbHbIX 3JIeMeHToB. 3To yBeJIH'leHHe BOCIIOJIHReT TaKwKe HOTepH 30JhbHbIX 3JIeMeHTOB, npoHcxoAsAMe B pe3yJlbTaTe BMiiitejamHBaHH5 BepeCKOBOA 30JIEJ. Manuscript accepted November 1967.

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