
The correlation of language world image and language person is characterized in different linguistic paradigms. Science discourse of the elite language person is examined on example of system function of irony. The elected discourse of outstanding philologist, translator, thinker, pedagogue K.G. Shazzo, relevant for complex problems, is demonstrated in aspect of specific aesthetics of science minimalistic: the genre of article reflexes of essence of searches, which may be explicated in future. Representation of dynamic system shows connected sides of masterpiece of elite language person. Irony as versatile phenomena is defined by the group of device, potentially wide, presenting essential unit of elite language person, universal talent, freedom, strictness and fascination of science stile. The system of devices includes ironic metaphors, marked by inverted commas, and its ironic function is presented on material of new version of “The Rules of Russian Orthography and Punctuation”; by interrelation of variants; by expressive phraseology. Language world image and language person are described as indivisible in discourse of Shazzo. Deepness of abstracts, sincerity and irony are integrated in discourse, its intensify each other. The trials of literature and people are presented on stable discourse models in its dynamics. The essence of irony is defined in unit of other phenomena. The discourse of elite language person is explanative in this aspect. Irony is naturally connected with deep generalizations and with different levels of emotions including determined invectives.

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