
E-commerce, as a convenient and flexible way of shopping, has become the largest, fastest-growing and widest-coverage component of China's digital economic development. At the same time, with the continuous progress of technology and the evolution of user needs, major e-commerce platforms are also committed to using the personalized and diversified features of the algorithmic recommendation mechanism to stimulate consumers' purchasing behavior. However, we can't ignore the fact that the widespread application of algorithmic recommendation mechanisms has brought some negative impacts to consumers and merchants, as well as some dilemmas for the development of major e-commerce platforms. In order to understand the dilemma of algorithmic recommendation mechanism, this study conducted questionnaire surveys and interviews with merchants and consumers, and coded and analyzed the obtained data using NVivo 12 Plus software. Based on the results, this study proposes a series of effective measures to deal with the dilemma of algorithmic recommendation mechanisms, such as optimizing the privacy-related settings of platforms, strengthening the relevant legislation, and clarifying the responsibilities of the governmental departments, and others.

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