
Extended Abstract Problem and Purpose: The developments in science and technology affect almost every stage in our lives. Natural sciences is an area in which the basics of science and technology are taught. Teaching of science is the basis of a good education. Thanks to the education in science, people develop their minds and creativity. That is why contemporary theories must be applied in the education of science. Teaching physics includes many types of presentation covering verbal, mathematical, pictorial and graphical forms. In addition for the data showing how the application of different test types affect students' success, physics education researchers have recently claimed that the different types of presentation in the same test affect the success. The aim for solving physics problems using multiple representations is to express physical events in different forms such as words, charts, tables, diagrams and equations. Method: The purpose of this study is to explore, whether there is an effect of the questions, which are prepared by using different representations (verbal, mathematical, pictorial and graphical) to evaluate the student's physics achievement. For this purpose, two quizzes, that includes the questions which are prepared by using multiple representations, were applied to the 166 students that were 11th grade science classes of a high school and a special programmed Anatolian high school. This study, which investigates the relationship between student's achievements in term of the multiple representations via the valid and reliable two quizzes results, is scanning type descriptive study. Results: The student's answers of the two quizzes were analyzed for each question, which were in different representational forms, by using paired-sample t-test analysis. According to the findings of the t-test results of the two quizzes, it is found that there are statistically significant differences between the success level of the verbal, pictorial, mathematical and graphical questions of the same physical concept in each quiz questions. To sum up, it has been found out that there is a difference in success levels of the questions prepared in four different but equivalent forms aiming at measuring the learning levels of the same physics topic. This difference is obvious enough to take into consideration in graphical representation. Based on the results of the study, it can be said that teachers must employ different question forms in physics. They must show due care for the usage and comprehension of graphics in all topics in physics so that the students can understand the problems presented in graphics. Careful attention must be given to the balanced usage of different question forms in sample problems and presentation of topics in coursebooks, aiding materials and documents etc. that students benefit from. Preparing questions for tests, teachers must take into consideration that students' success levels do not only depend upon the difficulty of questions but the way how they are asked. Therefore, they must give equal weight to all forms of questions. Keywords: Multiple represantation forms, Student's achievement, Physics education,Questions forms. --------------------------- Ozet Bu calismanin amaci, ogrencilerin fizik basarilarini degerlendirmede farkli sunum bicimleri (sozel, sekilli, matematiksel ve grafikli) kullanilarak hazirlanan sorularin etkisinin olup olmadigini arastirmaktir. Bu amacla, bir normal lise ve bir Anadolu lisesinde fizik dersi alan 11'inci sinif fen subelerinde ogrenim goren 166 ogrenciden olusan orneklem grubuna farkli sunum bicimlerinde sorular iceren iki kisa test uygulanmistir. Bu calisma ogrenci basarisi acisindan coklu sunum bicimleri arasindaki iliskiyi bir gruba ayni anda uygulanan iki testten elde edilen gecerli ve guvenilir verilere dayanarak arastiran tarama turu betimsel bir calismadir. Ogrencilerin her iki kisa testteki sorulara vermis olduklari cevaplar soru bazinda iliskili olcumler t-testi ile analiz edilmistir. Elde edilen bulgular dogrultusunda ogrencilerin ayni fizik kavramini ogrenme seviyelerini olcmek amaciyla sozel, matematiksel, sekilli ve grafikli sunum bicimlerinde hazirlanan sorulardaki basari seviyeleri arasinda her iki kisa sinavda da istatistiksel olarak anlamli farkliliklar bulundugu tespit edilmistir. Anahtar kelimeler: Coklu Sunum Bicimleri, Ogrenci Basarisi, Fizik Egitimi, Soru Bicimleri.

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