
Language development during the 1st year of life is characterized by perceptual attunement: following language-general perception, a decline in the perception of non-native phonemes and a parallel increase in or maintenance of the perception of native phonemes. While this general pattern is well established, there are still many gaps in the literature. First, most evidence documenting these patterns comes from “Minority world countries” with only a limited number of studies from “Majority world countries”, limiting the range of languages and contrasts assessed. Second, few studies test both the developmental patterns of native and non-native speech perception in the same group of infants, making it hard to draw conclusions on simultaneous decline in non-native and increase in native speech perception. Such limitations are in part due to the effort that goes into testing developing speech sound perception, where usually only discrimination of one contrast per infant can be tested at a time. The present study thus set out to assess the feasibility of assessing a given infant on their discrimination of two speech sound contrasts during the same lab visit. It leveraged the presence of documented patterns of the improvement of native and the decline of non-native phoneme discrimination abilities in Japanese, therefore assessing native and non-native speech perception in Japanese infants from 6 to 12 months of age. Results demonstrated that 76 % of infants contributed discrimination data for both contrasts. We found a decline in non-native speech perception evident in discrimination of the non-native /ɹ/-/l/ consonant contrast at 9–11, but not at 11–13 months of age. Additionally, a parallel increase in native speech perception was demonstrated evident in an absence of native phonemic vowel length discrimination at 6–7 and 9–11 months and a discrimination of this contrast at 11–13 months of age. These results, based on a simultaneous assessment of native and non-native speech perception in Japanese-learning infants, demonstrate the feasibility of assessing the discrimination of two contrasts in one testing session and corroborate theoretical proposals on two hallmarks of perceptual attunement: a decrease in non-native and a facilitation in native speech perception during the first year of life.

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