
The purpose of the study is to experimentally test the effectiveness of the technology formation in future teachers of artistic and aesthetic competence by means of decorative and applied arts. To achieve the goal, a set of research methods was used: Theoretical: – analysis of psychological, pedagogical, methodological, and special literature, educational documentation, in order to substantiate the technology of formation of artistic and aesthetic competence by means of decorative and applied arts in future teachers; – analysis, abstraction, systematization of data, comparative analysis of dissertation works in order to substantiate the content and determine the structure of artistic and aesthetic competence of the teacher. Empirical: – questionnaire, testing, independent peer reviewing method, analysis of students’ practical results with the purpose of determining criteria, indicators and levels of artistic and aesthetic competencies development; – pedagogical experiment in order to check the effectiveness of the proposed technology of formation in the future teachers of artistic and aesthetic competence by means of decorative and applied arts. Statistical: methods of mathematical statistics for the analysis and determination of the effectiveness of the proposed technology of formation in the students of pedagogical universities of artistic and aesthetic competence by means of decorative and applied arts. According to the statistical calculations, changes in the levels of artistic and aesthetic competence due to the introduction of the artistic and aesthetic competence forming technology in students by means of arts and crafts are statistically significant, which testifies to the effectiveness of the proposed technology.

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