
This article focuses on the development of islamic economic education in Indonesia with multi-cultural approach. It tries to reaffirm the universal values of Islam and to adjust these values to local values that have long been entrenched in the midst of Indonesian multicultural society. This research method is descriptive qualitative research using data sources from literature or library research. The research approach uses a normative approach. The normative approach is used to examine the ideals of the Islamic Economic conception and then analyze how it is applied. The result of this research regarding the urge of developing islamic economic based on multicural perspective: firstly it is because of the emergence of globalization era and postmodern culture. Secondly, the reality of Indonesian plurality, apart as syiar, is used to explore the local genius in socio economic in Indonesia. Then Islamic economic education with multicultural approach is a progressive approach to transform education that holistically provides criticism and shows the weaknesses of Islamic economic education. Islamic economic education based on local values as an instrument of social adjustment encourages the administrators of Islamic economics to be able to play a role in instilling the awareness of the multicultural community to realize a level of comprehension of inclusive Islamic ecnomic.

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