
strengthening democracy and upholding the principle of the rule of law. This revolution directly impacted Egypt's constitutional and political events until the Muslim Brotherhood took over Egypt. From the realization of the principle of the rule of law and the promotion of democracy, the political problems and democratic crises increased in a way that detracted from the focus of the rule of law in an unprecedented manner until the situation became worse than it was before the revolution of January 2011. The problem continued from bad to worse for three years until the establishment of the June 2013 revolution, then the suspension of the constitution and the formation of a committee to write a new form for the country to strengthen and uphold the rule of law in the Egyptian state. Little by little, the Egyptian people voted for the record that note, and a new era began.The new constitution has strengthened the principle of the rule of law through many of its articles, such as setting controls and guarantees for the trial of the head of state, equality between citizens, and the separation of powers in a way that ensures the realization of this principle, which in turn led to the production of many laws that help achieve the rule of law.

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