
The rapid growth of television broadcasting in the USSR clearly indicates an appreciation of its advantages as a medium for the rapid dissemination of information over an area as extensive as the USSR. Following a largely experimental period which was interrupted by World War II, emphasis in the 1950s was placed on the construction of television centers and transmitters in all the major population centers. After completion of about 100 of these by 1960, emphasis shifted to the expansion of network facilities to cover the entire country. This effort was greatly facilitated by the development of the “Molniya” satellite relay stations and the “Orbita” earth stations which made it possible to reach even the most remote areas of the country in the far east. Since ten time zones are covered in this manner, special measures are necessary to compensate for the time differences with respect to the Central Studios in Moscow. In recent years, emphasis has again shifted, this time to the upgrading of existing facilities, for example, the construction of the 1750-ft (533-m) antenna tower in Moscow as well as other similar projects.

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