
In the past we have accumulated very little data on the comprehension of sexual knowledge by middle school students in our country and on the development of their sexual physiology and psychology. When we spoke of the sexual awareness of young people and the growth of their sexual physiology and psychology, we were in the main forced to resort to data and materials from abroad. On the subject of the sexual-physiological growth of young people and adolescents, a group of scholars in the 1960s, led by Ye Gongshao, made some reports. In the same area, some people also made more recent investigations and acquired new data on a number of problems (such as the average age of girls experiencing their first menstruation period).2 However, systematic investigations and studies that deal with quantitative [analysis] on this subject—the development of the sexual awareness and the sexual psychology of young people—are still rare. To fill this gap, and to give the broad ranks of those involved in the work of education...

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