
The global and national environmental practice shows that to guarantee the sustainable use of land is to create a science-based network of protected areas as a basic element of environmentally balanced socio-economic development of individual regions and the entire country.To assess the current state of nature conservation fund of Ukraine.The study estimates the current state of territories of nature conservation fund of Ukraine and sets the parameters to determine their ecological and economic structure as well as ways to improve recreational consumption of natural reserve fund.In Ukraine, at the end of 2013 there were 42 national parks, 18 nature reserves and 4 biosphere reserves. The oldest among them is the Biosphere Reserve «Askania Nova» which was established in 1898 F. E. Falz-Fein. The Crimea Natural Reserve and Kanev Nature Reserve of Shevchenko Kyiv National University were formed in 1923, and the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve, which is the largest among all objects of nature reserve fund of Ukraine, was created in 1927.A positive trend in the growth of the number of nature reserves and national parks of Ukraine as well as the increase of the area of land have been determined. However, a significant increase in the burden on the workers of the land area has been observed (up to 30.7 hectares for one employee), which increased by 52.2% compared to 1995.

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