
In his book Géopolitique (1995), the French journalist Bernard Guetta described Europe as a reality and as the most important challenge ofthe present time. Despite its variety oflanguages, its national peculiarities and traditions, Europe is characterised by a common civilisation with a special reference to its history. Guetta continues arguing that the defence ofnational prebends cannot be the aim ofEurope. On the contrary, a commonly defined work may contribute to enforce the singularity of each nation in Europe. France should be aware that without Europe it would be no more than a medium-sized political power within the 'global players' – with diminishing importance. He ends with the statement: 'L'Europe est une nouvelle frontière, et c'est sur de grandes ambitions que se fonde la grandeur des nations – des Nations unies d'Europe' (Guetta, 1995: 80).

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