
This study aimed to develop interactive video learning media for cooperation and mutual help materials for third grade elementary school students at UPT SD Negeri 56 Gresik. The process of developing learning media using the ADDIE model were consist of 5 steps, however, in this study the researcher used 3 steps, Analysis, design and development. The subjects in this study were media expert validation who was Mr. Darmawan Aditama S.Kom., M.T (Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnic lecturer) as validitor and material expert validation who was Mrs. Maulani Inggi S,S.Pd Third grade teacher UPT SD Negeri 56 Gresik as validator. Data collection techniques and instruments used in this study, media of expert validation sheets and material experts.
 Based on the results of data analysis from media experts and material experts, it showed that the development of interactive video learning media for cooperation and mutual help complied the validation standards that have been determined by media experts to get a score of 75% in the valid category and material experts get a score of 87.5% with categorized as very valid. So that obtaining an average percentage value of 81.25% which can be categorized as very valid, Therefore, it can be concluded that this interactive video learning media is able to use in learning effectively.

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