An aim in developing low volatile organic compound (VOCs) emission house is to reduce the level of VOCs in domestic housing. In this study, a case study for the reduction of exposure to VOCs from a newly constructed residential house was presented. Before application, the construction materials used in the house were tested in an environmental chamber and low VOC emission materials were then selected. Design of the house abided by the following principals: maximizing the ventilation rate and avoiding the use of high VOC emission materials in the house. By improved building design and proper construction materials selection, risk of personal exposure to VOCs in the house was significantly reduced. The total VOCs (TVOCs) concentrations measured in the house ranged from non-detectable to 43 μg/ m 3 . These values were much lower than the published values (0.48– 31.7 mg/ m 3 ) for new houses in Scandinavian countries and in the USA. The low TVOCs concentrations obtained in this study probably resulted from the high ventilation rates and the use of low VOCs emission materials. This study also combined the results with the three traditional ways in improvement of IAQ. The results obtained in this study confirmed that the most effective strategy for controlling IAQ was pollution prevention and the next most important was the design of ventilation rates to handle uncontrollable sources. The effectiveness of aging as a means of indoor pollution control was also reviewed.
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