
Industrial metrology and quality control courses are compulsory subjects Mechanical Engineering Department students, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Malang. The learning media used are still conventional using modules so that the attractiveness of students is less. An alternative learning media is needed to increase student attractiveness, namely augmented reality-based engineering learning media. The objectives of this research and development include developing products in the form of application-based learning media with the application of augmented reality technology for industrial metrology and control courses and knowing the level of student attractiveness regarding the application-based learning media used. The validation results obtained of material expert validation shows a percentage of 88.75%, media expert validation shows a percentage of 86.25%, and attractiveness students on small groups show a percentage of 95.69 %. It can be concluded that the learning media of augmented reality-based engineering measurement in industrial metrology and quality control courses is very feasible to be used in the learning process.

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