Advanced, computer-based, human-sy stem interface designs are emerging in nuclear power plant control rooms. These developments may have significant implications for plant safety in that they will greatly affect the ways in which operators interact with systems. At present, however, the only guidance available to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for the review of control room-operator interfaces, NUREG-0700, was written prior to these technological changes and is thus not designed to address them. The objective of the project reported in this paper is to develop an Advanced Control Room Design Review Guideline for use in performing human factors reviews of advanced operator interfaces. This guideline will be implemented, in part, as a portable, computer-based, interactive document for field use. The paper will describe the overall guideline development methodology, the present status of the document, and the plans for further guideline testing and development. I. BACKGROUND Advanced, computer-based, human-system interface (HSI) designs are emerging in nuclear power plant (NPP) control mms as a result of several factors. These include: (1) incorporation of new systems such as safety parameter display systems, (2) backfitting of current control rooms with new control and display technologies when existing hardware is no longer supported by equipment vendors, and (3) development of advanced control room concepts. Control rooms of the future will be developed using advanced instrumentation and controls based upon digital technology. In addition, the operator will be interfacing with more intelligent systems which will be capable of providing information processing support for his tasks. These developments may have significant implications for plant safety in that they will affect the operator's role in the system as well as the ways in which he interacts with it. To help ensure that advanced technology when incorporated in new and existing control mms is done so in a way that maximizes the potential safety benefits of the technology and minimizes the potential negative effects on performance and plant safety, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) reviews the design and implementation of significant changes to control rooms and the human engineering aspects of new control room designs. At present, however, the only guidance available to the NRC for the review of control roomoperator interfaces is NUREG-0700 [ 11. It is a document which was written prior to these technological changes and is, therefore, tailored to the technologies used in traditional control rooms. Thus, the present guidance needs to be updated since it is not adequate to serve as the basis for NRC staff review of such advanced or hybrid control room designs.
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