
Sinkova L. D. Between text and discourse: Russian literature of the XX-XXI century: history, comparative studies and criticism (lit. - crit. articles, conversations). - Minsk: Parkus plus, 2013. - 296 P. The main characteristics of the Belarusian literature development in the contest of 20th-21th century are demonstrated throughout the review. The key patterns of the poetics progression in Belarusian literature are revealed, alongside with the most noticeable algorithms of the national aesthetics establishment and the specifics of mythopoetic perception. Meaningful characteristics of Belarusian literature during Soviet period are examined particularly, especially the literature about Second World War. The national aspects of literary comprehension of the experience of German-fascist occupation in Belarusian literature during Soviet period are revealed. The important characteristic of the modern Belarusian literature after the Chernobyl disaster that has started in 1986, is emphasized upon.

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