
The formation of Marx's national concept has roughly gone through three different stages of development, namely the initial exploration stage of Marx's national concept, or the budding period. This historical period focuses on the basic viewpoints on nationality and related issues in Marx's classic works. The theoretical establishment stage of Marx's view of the nation, focusing on the analysis of Marx's more mature national theory than the infancy stage on the basis of analyzing the reality of social revolution and the revolutionary development of different countries; Marx's deepening research stage on national issues in his later years , in-depth study of Marx's "Summary of Morgan's "Ancient Society" and Engels' "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State" on the theory of national issues. In each development stage, Marx's classic works are used as the research basis and classification standard, and they are placed in the social environment and the background of the times in which Marx lived to investigate and analyze, and strive to reflect and interpret Marx's main views on ethnic issues in this historical period.

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