
Hydro-electricity holds a dominating position in the supply of power in Norway. It is of interest, therefore, to make comparisons with a country where hydro-electricity, though of importance, plays a lesser role in the provision of power. Every case of the utilisation of waterpower has its own unique features, but it is possible to make generalizations to show some characteristics that are more widespread. This is an interesting study for the geographer as these characteristies stem from both economical and physical causes, and they vary between the regions of the world. Comparison between two such regions, Scotland and Norway, emphasises some of the features which are unique but also shows that there are some general similarities and contrasts. There are similarities from the physical aspect in that both Scottish and Norwegian hydroelectric power come from an area with a wet, western part with short, steeply-graded rivers and a drier eastern part with long, gently-flowing rivers, and from the economic as...

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