
Pregnancy complications become one of the considerations in choosing a delivery method. Choosing the appropriate delivery method will save the mother and baby from mortality threat. This analysis is aimed to know how the relationship between the maternal characteristics with pregnancy complication and the choice of delivery method, such as caesarean section surgery procedure. This study is an advanced analysis of Riskesdas data 2018, using married women of childbearing age between 10 – 54 years old as the population, while the sample is whom they gave birth and became the Riskesdas sample in 2018 as much as 78,736. The chosen variables for this study are the maternal characteristics and the pregnancy complications as the independent variables, and the choice of delivery method as the dependent variable. This study shows that the maternal characteristics such as age, education, occupation and pregnancy complications also the source of labor cost related to the choice of delivery method with p-value 0.00. Mothers who have a pregnancy complication tend to do a caesarean section delivery process 9.4 bigger than who do not have any. Based on the result, it can be concluded that the maternal characteristics such as age, education, occupation, source of labor cost and the pregnancy complication are related to the choice of the delivery method in Indonesia in 2018.

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