
We report the first extragalactic detection of the higher-order millimeter hydrogen recombination lines (Δn > 2). The γ-, ϵ-, and η-transitions have been detected toward the millimeter continuum source N 105–1 A in the star-forming region N 105 in the Large Magellanic Cloud with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. We use the H40α line, the brightest of the detected recombination lines (H40α, H36β, H50β, H41γ, H57γ, H49ϵ, H53η, and H54η), to determine the electron temperature and study ionized gas kinematics in the region, and the 3 mm free–free continuum emission to determine the physical parameters: the size, emission measure, and electron density. We compare the physical properties of N 105–1 A to a large sample of Galactic compact and ultracompact (UC) H ii regions and conclude that N 105–1 A is similar to the most luminous (L > 105 L ⊙) UC H ii regions in the Galaxy. N 105–1 A is ionized by an O5.5 V star; it is deeply embedded in its natal molecular clump, and likely associated with a (proto)cluster. We incorporate high-resolution molecular line data including CS, SO, SO2, and CH3OH (∼0.12 pc), and HCO+ and CO (∼0.087 pc) to explore the molecular environment of N 105–1 A. Based on the CO data, we find evidence for a cloud–cloud collision that likely triggered star formation in the region. We find no clear outflow signatures, but the presence of filaments and streamers indicates ongoing accretion onto the clump hosting the UC H ii region. Sulfur chemistry in N 105–1 A is consistent with the accretion shock model predictions.

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