
The many unhealthy substances and their effects upo n human organism established that the assessment of the food products residues represent a desiderate for risk elimination, because these re sidues, in certain conditions, can affect the consumers health status. The presence of antibiotics in animal origin food p roducts has a special toxicological interest due to their primary and secondary effects upon human beings health. The purpose of this research consisted in the detec tion of doxycycline residues in poultry meat in ord er to establish waiting period. The product Doxicol 60% powder contains doxycycline and it was administered in an amount of 200 g / 1000 liters of drinking water to a chicken group in unit A for 8 days. During the experiment until the slaughtering, it wa s monitored the chicken health status and there wer e not administered other drugs in feeds. Starting the first day after treatment's interrupti on and finishing with the 6 th day, there were slaughtered daily 3-5 chickens. There were sampled muscle samples, which were packed, individualized and sealed an d the doxycycline residues were detected by high performa nce liquid chromatography. The researches revealed that doxycycline residues d ecrease gradually and balanced during the studied s ix days. After six days, the levels of doxycycline res idues are placed under maximum admitted limits (100 µg/kg) and in some situations they even tend to zero. Also, it was noticed that, by calculating the doxyc ycline residue levels using logarithmic equation, t he values are very close to the real ones, which can i ndicate that the logarithmic equation can be used t o calculate doxycycline residues in poultry meat.

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