
The study aimed to shed light on the degree to which kindergarten principals within the Green Line possess administrative competencies, and to identify the correlation between the availability of administrative competencies among kindergarten principals within the Green Line, and the level of application of quality management in their work. To achieve the aims of the study and to answer its questions, a relational descriptive methodology was used, and the study sample was chosen in a simple random way representing the study population and included (600) kindergarten principals, (60) complementary nurses, (59) female counselors and (27) educational supervisors, who showed The results showed that the degree of kindergarten principals within the Green Line possess the administrative competencies necessary for their work from the point of view of the sample came to a large degree, and the results also showed that the level of application of quality management to kindergarten principals within the Green Line from their point of view came to a large degree, as the results showed a positive relationship statistically significant between estimates of the study sample individuals to own kindergarten principals within the Green Line administrative efficiencies on the one hand and the level of application of quality management in their work on the other hand, where the link between them reached coefficient (0.73).

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