
Goal. To determine the degree of resistance of collection samples of winter wheat to the pathogen of the common bunt Tilletia caries in the conditions of the Right forest-steppe of Ukraine.
 Research Methods. Field. The studies were conducted on the sites of the experimental farm «Glevakha» Vasilkovsky district of Kiev region in 2015—2017. The infectious background of the pathogen of solid bunt was created according to the method of Krivchenko V.I. Sustainability was assessed by counting the number of healthy and diseased ears. The results were differentiated in points on a 9-point scale.
 Results. Against an artificial infectious background of the pathogen of hard bunt, the stability of 115 winter wheat cultivars was evaluated. The collection was obtained from the National Center for Plant Genetic Resources of the Institute of Plant Production and included varietal samples from 15 countries: Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Romania, Austria, Germany, Slovakia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Iran, Georgia, Hungary, Bulgaria and the USA. Among the varieties of winter wheat of domestic selection, highly resistant (score 9—8) to the causative agent of bunt was not found, resistance (score 7—6) was shown by the varieties Niva and Syaivo (Ukraine). Varieties of foreign selection that showed high resistance (score 9—8) — Galina, Nemchinovskaya 57 (Russia), F 02065G5-21, F 94578G3-1 / BUCUR // DELABRAD and Miranda (Romania), resistant (score 7—6) were — Course (Russia), Noroc (Romania) and MV-Toldi (Hungary).
 Conclusions. Varieties of winter wheat Niva, Syaivo, Hvulya, Veteran, L 59, Schedrost and Pobeda of Ukrainian selection, Galina, Nemchinovskaya 57, Course (Russia), F 02065G5-21, F 94578G3-1 / BUCUR // DELABRAD, Miranda, Noroc (Romania ), MV-Toldi (Hungary) in the years of research showed a high resistance to the causative agent of bunt T. caries on an artificial infectious background. All of them can be used in the selection of new productive, disease-resistant varieties.


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  • Varieties of winter wheat Niva, Syaivo, Hvulya, Veteran, L 59, Schedrost and Pobeda of Ukrainian selection, Galina, Nemchinovskaya 57, Course (Russia), F 02065G521, F 94578G3-1 / BUCUR // DELABRAD, Miranda, Noroc (Romania ), MV-Toldi (Hungary) in the years of research showed a high resistance to the causative agent of bunt T. caries on an arti cial infectious background

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УРАЖЕННЯ СОРТІВ ПШЕНИЦІ ОЗИМОЇ çáóäíèêîì òâåðäî¿ ñàæêè Tilletia caries (DC) Tul. Ìåòà. Íà øòó÷íîìó 3íôåêö3éíîìó ôîí çáóäíèêà òâåðäî¿ ñàæêè îö3íåíî ñò3éê3ñòü 115-òè ñîðòîçðàçê3â ïøåíèö îçèìî¿. Ñåðåä ñîðòîçðàçê3â ïøåíèö îçèìî¿ â3ò÷èçíÿíî¿ ñåëåêö3¿ âèñîêîñò3éêèõ (áàë 8—9) ùîäî çáóäíèêà òâåðäî¿ ñàæêè íå âèÿâëåíî, ñò3éê3ñòü (áàë 7—6) ïðîÿâèëè ñîðòè Íèâà òà Ñÿéâî. Ñîðòîçðàçêè ïøåíèö îçèìî¿ Íèâà, Ñÿéâî, Õâèëÿ, Âåòåðàí, L 59, Ùåäð3ñòü òà Çâèòÿãà óêðà¿íñüêî¿ ñåëåêö3¿ òà Ãàëèíà, Íåì÷èíîâñêàÿ 57, Êóðñ (Ðîñ3ÿ), F 02065G5-21, F 94578G3-1/BUCUR//DELABRAD, Miranda (Ðóìóí3ÿ), Noroc (Ðóìóí3ÿ), MV-Toldi (Óãîðùèíà) çàðóá3æíî¿ ñåëåêö3¿ çà ðîêè äîñë3äæåíü ïðîÿâèëè âèñîêó ñò3éê3ñòü ïðîòè çáóäíèêà òâåðäî¿ ñàæêè T. caries íà øòó÷íîìó 3íôåêö3éíîìó ôîí. Òîìó ñòâîðåííÿ âèõ3äíîãî ìàòåð3àëó äëÿ ñåëåêö3¿ ñò3éêèõ ñîðò3â ïøåíèö îçèìî¿ ïðîòè òâåðäî¿ ñàæêè çàëèøàoòüñÿ àêòóàëüíèì íàïðÿìîì äîñë3äæåíü. Ñåðåä ñîðòîçðàçê3â ïøåíèö îçèìî¿ â3ò÷èçíÿíî¿ ñåëåêö3¿ âèñîêîñò3éêèõ ïðîòè çáóäíèêà òâåðäî¿ ñàæêè íà 3íôåêö3éíîìó ôîí íå âèÿâëåíî Øêàëà äëÿ îö3íêè ñò3éêîñò çåðíîâèõ êîëîñîâèõ êóëüòóð ïðîòè ñàæêîâèõ õâîðîá, ïðèéíÿòà â êðà¿íàõ-÷ëåíàõ ÐÅÂ

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