
In recent years the northwestern Black Sea has been investigated by a great number of geophysical methods. Charts of the M discontinuity and (isopachous) charts of the “granitic”, the “basaltic”, the Paleozoic, the Jurassic-Triassic, the Upper and Lower Cretaceous and the Eocene layers were plotted based on the results of the combined data of these investigations together with associated drilling data. The data for different velocity levels confirms the concept of layered-block structure of the crust, where large blocks are divided by deep faults penetrating to the upper mantle. Sedimentation within each block is continuous while reverse fault zones, dividing the East European Platform with a crustal thickness of more than 40 km and the Scythian Platform with a crust of about 30 km thick, and the latter from the Black Sea depression with crust of about 20 km, are discontinuous. Therefore, one can speak of a continuous-discontinuous nature of the sedimentation. An inverse relationship in thicknesses of the “granitic” and sedimentary layers has been established. In places of intensive sedimentation the thickness of the “granitic” layer is less than that within the stable unsagging blocks. On the whole the greater the thickness of “basaltic” layer, the greater is the crustal thickness. The relationship between the main geological structures of the area should be sought in the nature of structure of these “granitic” and “basaltic” layers.

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