
Introduction. In 2021, the largest proportion of workers in the Russian Federation with class 3.1 and higher1 was at coal mining enterprises (79.1%), in coal mines this figure reached 90.4%, which determines the high level of occupational morbidity of miners — more than 150–200 times higher than the average in Russia2.
 The study aims to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the working conditions of employees of operating coal mines in Russia according to the data of the Federal State Statistics Service in comparison with the indicators of occupational morbidity (on the example of the Rostov region).
 Materials and methods. The authors have carried out the analysis of the data of the FSIS SAWC from 2018 to 2022 for all 57 coal mines operating in Russia during this period in four federal districts (FD) with a total number of jobs (RM) — 17,158, employing 60,699 people. The objects of the study were employees of 12 professions. For an integral assessment of the degree of harmfulness of working conditions of miners, we have calculated the total score of the degree of harmfulness of working conditions. Scientists investigated the occupational morbidity of miners. The experts also compared the established indicators with the data on the FSIS SAWC on the example of enterprises of the Rostov region (with the calculation of Spearman correlation coefficients).
 Results. Working conditions of 13% of miners belong to Class 3.1, 42% — to class 3.2, 35% — to class 3.3 and about 2% — to class 3.4. We have identified the most unfavorable conditions in the professions of tunnellers and longwall miner (721.9 and 717.1 points) — class 3.3–3.4; drivers of electric locomotives, drivers of hoisting installations, electricians, miners (hydraulic fracturing), explosives (500.3, 495.6, 444.3, 436.4 and 407.4 points) — class 3.2–3.3; among mining foremen, fasteners, stemmers, mechanics and lifting drivers (392.9, 333.3, 261.0, 256.8, 157.1 points), class — 3.2–3.1. The leading production factors are: the severity of labor (85.1%), noise (83.3%), aerosols of predominantly fibrogenic action (79.4%). Increased levels of local vibration, unfavorable microclimate and insufficient illumination are recorded at 30–40% of the RM. The authors found that only 2.4% of workplaces exceeded the maximum permissible level (MPL) for general vibration, and 0.3% — in terms of labor intensity. There is no data on infrasound, non-ionizing and ionizing radiation.
 Limitations. The study is limited to data on working conditions and occupational morbidity of coal miners for the period 2018–2022. These limitations allow us to plan further research and expand our understanding of this problem.
 Conclusion. The most unfavorable working conditions we have registered in the Southern Federal District, followed by the Siberian Federal District, Northwestern Federal District, Far Eastern Federal District, which is primarily due to the technologies used and production conditions. Also, scientists have identified underestimation of the degree of harmfulness of working conditions by factors (severity and intensity of work, local vibration, light environment, microclimate), non-accounting of ionizing radiation. The structure of the leading production factors determines the modern structure of occupational morbidity of miners: radiculopathy (39.2%), respiratory diseases (36.7%), diseases from exposure to noise and local vibration (18.2%).
 Ethics. The study did not require the conclusion of the Ethics Committee.

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