
Topicality. The relevance of this topic is explained by the current need to develop a working tourism management system despite changing structural circumstances and complexities, taking into account that giant tourism corporation require the appropriate level of administrative management.Aim and tasks. The aim of the article is to study the to examine the most outstanding features of administrative management in the area of tourism industry.Research results. This paper discusses the essence of administrative management in the general management system (management activities, management decisions, management functions and methods, management process, relevant principles, etc.). An interpretation of the concepts of "management in the field of tourism" and "administrative management in the field of tourism" is given. Features of administrative management from the point of view of direct purposeful influence on object of management by means of directive acts of management (orders, instructions) for maintenance of unquestioning execution of top-managers’ orders are considered. The application of administrative management practice is presented in a combination of two equivalent elements - the impact on the management structure (regulation and organization in the management system) and the impact on the management process (preparation, adoption, organization and control of management decisions). It has been proved that the restructuring of the ideology of management methods is closely related to the modernization of the system of training managers in the field of tourism. Elements of the organization of administrative management of activity of the tourist enterprises are provided. The points of contact of administrative management with other methods of management at definition of priorities, the purposes and planned decisions concerning development of the tourist enterprise in the course of carrying out analytical work on motivation, planning, etc. are explained.Conclusion. The paper reveals the peculiarities of the administrative management process in compliance with a set of legislative provisions, restrictions, procedures, as well as the fundamental principles of the management system that ensure the sustainable growth of an enterprise or organization in the tourism industry. The point that the development of recommendations for the implementation of existing management practices, their resource provision and the most significant restrictions should be performed under systemic approach is substantiated.

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