
The areas of silver nanoparticle (NPs) application in agriculture are considered in the present paper. Publications dedicated to the use of silver NP compounds as feed components and drugs for farm animals are reviewed. The main directions of nanosilver introduction into the practice of cultivated plant protection and growing are considered. The authors present the major results of their own studies in this area. Argovit with silver NPs and polyvinylpyrrolidone as the main components reduced the antibiotic resistance and the adhesive and anti-lysozyme activities of pathogens from the genera Enterococcus, Salmonella, and Escherichia, which determine the emergence, development, and manifestations of infectious diseases in animals. Silver nanocomposites (NCs) that consist of silver NPs embedded in matrices of a natural polysaccharide (arabinogalactan) or humic substances were shown to have an antibacterial effect on bacteria that cause potato ring rot. Moreover, the NCs had a stimulatory effect on potato plants in vitro. The presented data confirm the high potential of wide use of silver NPs in agriculture.

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