
For South Africa, an increase in energy demand is associated with higher CO2 emissions. In order to overcome this challenge, the government started the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REI4P) to allow easy integration of renewable energy technologies into the existing energy mix. The country has an abundant solar resource, and the potential to harvest this resource through concentrating solar power (CSP) has been proven. 600 MW of CSP have been bought in the REI4P, but the future of CSP in SA looks bleak, as the government’s recent Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) updates gave no allocation to new CSP plants beyond 2030. Very few CSP plants are connected to the grid, and there is limited research and literature on its learning effect and economics of scale. This study analyses the state of CSP and uses a mathematical relationship to determine the progress ratio, the learning effect, and the likely future of CSP in South Africa. The results address the difficulties involved in determining the learning effect of CSP.


  • The continuous increase in the demand for electricity and the desire to transition to a green economy has encouraged most nations to target the improvement of renewable energy generation

  • 600 MW concentrating solar power (CSP) is in met die REI4P gekoop, maar die toekoms van CSP in South Africa (SA) lyk bleek, aangesien die regering se onlangse opdaterings van die Geïntegreerde Hulpbronplan (IRP) geen toewysing na 2030 aan nuwe CSP-aanlegte gedoen het nie

  • The specific investment cost of CSP in this study refers to the theoretical cost of investment that should be involved in CSP development in other locations, based on direct normal irradiance (DNI) variance

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22 Nov 2017

Engineering and The Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies (CRSES), Stellenbosch University, South Africa. This study analyses the state of CSP and uses a mathematical relationship to determine the progress ratio, the learning effect, and the likely future of CSP in South Africa. Om hierdie uitdaging te oorkom, het die regering die Renewable Energy Independent Power Produsent Procurement Program (REI4P) begin om maklike integrasie van hernubare energie tegnologieë in die bestaande energiemengsel moontlik te maak. 600 MW CSP is in met die REI4P gekoop, maar die toekoms van CSP in SA lyk bleek, aangesien die regering se onlangse opdaterings van die Geïntegreerde Hulpbronplan (IRP) geen toewysing na 2030 aan nuwe CSP-aanlegte gedoen het nie. Hierdie studie analiseer die stand van CSP en gebruik 'n wiskundige verhouding om die vorderingsverhouding, die leer effek, en die waarskynlike toekoms van CSP in Suid-Afrika te bepaal. Die resultate spreek die probleme aan in de bepaling van die leer-effek van CSP

Objectives of this paper
Paper outline
Levelised profit of energy
Specific investment cost of CSP
Experience curve and cumulative installed capacity
Limitations to future cost analysis of CSP
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