
The purpose of the work is to determine the typological features of a gifted person from the standpoint of its participation in traditional and innovative cultural and artistic activities. Methodology of the research is based on application of activity, critical-analytical, structural-functional and subject-axiological approach to revealing the specialization and existing reciprocity between different types of traditional and innovative cultural and artistic activities, to study the cultural values of gifted personality in traditional and plural representations. The scientific novelty of the work lies in identification of the specialization and the existing reciprocity between different types of traditional and innovative cultural and artistic activities; in defining the typology of people involved in the creation, dissemination and preservation of cultural property; in the study of the cultural values of gifted personality in traditional and plural representations. Conclusion. Based on the specialization and the existing reciprocity between different types of traditional and innovative cultural and artistic activities, the spiritual, intellectual, creative and entrepreneurial abilities of a gifted person involved in it, we identified six types of people: the creators of cultural values that create artistic culture and television products; substantial figures, who perform a certain prognostic function in society; people of real action, who are involved in the organization and development of the material infrastructure of culture (in these three types of cultural values are represented predominantly in traditional representations); virtual fashion designers, who display a predominantly postmodern view of the world and simulate virtual reality; merchants with essential goods engaged in the production of material goods and their timely delivery to consumers (these two types are dominated by plural representations of cultural values); a progression that seeks to tighten the cultural development of society to a higher level (its cultural values are represented both in traditional and plural representations). Defined representations of the cultural values of gifted personality direct scientists to deepen the idea of self-identification of a person in cultural and artistic activity.

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