
Combining with the experience in teaching College English, a series of trying around how to cultivate students’ innovative thinking has launched, and significant results have been achieved in the cooperation between teachers and students, the learning case setting, teaching improvement, and active encouragement. Teachers should motivate students to be in a constantly better learning state, and make them get maximum innovation of thinking. KEYWORD: English teaching; Innovative thinking; Training the interests International Conference on Social Science, Education Management and Sports Education (SSEMSE 2015) © 2015. The authors Published by Atlantis Press 1842 teach fishing is better than to fish. Only when students are taught scientific way of learning will they improve the ability. Carefully design the case for students. Let them learn the text of each unit taking “self-study”, “co-study” and “practice” approach.[10] “self-study” refers to students learn the objectives and requirements for each unit ahead of time. In this process, Teachers ask them to guess the meaning of a word, analyze long sentences, and conclude the main idea of paragraphs and the whole text, to enable students to induce, clarify the context of the article, learn important and difficult points, and discover problems. “co-study” refers to, on the basis of full “self-study”, teachers start joint study and research activities in the classroom, coaching students in the critical point, answering according to the student's difficulties. In the overall classroom teaching, the students paint dragon, teachers dotting. Then, on the basis of “self-study” and “co-study”, students go to “practice”. Teachers compile exercises for students by selecting important words, phrases, sentences to carry out the necessary consolidation, enabling them to convert knowledge into capacity. Practice has proved that the students do not learn less, but learn more. In self-learning, combined with the goal of teaching, teacher require students to do the combination of reading and thinking, which inspires positive thinking and the skills to identify problems, ask questions, and solve problems.[8] The implementation significantly improved the ability of students’ learning English. 3 THE MULTI-ANGLED QUESTIONS TO GUIDE INNOVATIVE THINKING In teaching, we pay attention to design a variety of thinking questions from multi-angle and multi-facet to develop students’ horizontal, analogy, reverse, association thinking. Students should not just stop at the content what they have learned to understand and master, but also take advantage of the current study knowledge to create, to explore and develop their creative thinking and enhance innovation capability. When teaching the text, we often use a variety of training laws to cultivate students’ innovative thinking. We provide questions according to teaching material, guide students to rework the text content, encourage students to think in different terms and different angles. As in Unit 4, Environmental Pollution, we boldly ask the students based on the content of the text: Why is rubbish such as “white pollution” becoming a serious problem in China? What can be done for environmental protection? Do you have any suggestions for reducing waste and controlling pollution? ...... This allows students to think in the wings of imagination while expanding the association. And of course, students’ answer varies in different opinions. Another example is, when students do outside reading---Angkor Wat, we allow students to discuss: What can we know from the fact that people from different countries took part in the repair work? Students answer: Because people from other countries are very friendly. /Because the temple of Angkor Wat is a place of interest. If it is well repaired, people from other countries can go to visit it. /Because the temple is the treasure of human beings, etc. And one example is, when examining pragmatic competence, we strive to enable students to learn by analogy and develop a variety of thinking skills to enable them to correctly judge questions. As a choice below: __ many times, but he still couldn’t understand it. A. Although he had been told B. Telling C. Having been told D. Being told After students select the correct answer, let them remove “but”, then go to think and choose. In short, as long as the teacher ask questions in the classroom timely and cleverly, students will perform a variety of mental trainings, and then students will be able to get the full improvement of innovative thinking. 4 THE IMPROVEMENT OF TEACHING METHODS TO DEVELOP INNOVATIVE

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