
The advent of the era of mega data has not only had a positive impact on the information industry, but also brought new changes to the whole social and economic development and business startups and innovation. The business startups and innovation ability of university student mainly includes innovative thinking ability, practical ability, independent thinking ability, independent judgment ability and ability to independently engage in scientific research activities, academic communication ability and entrepreneurial potential. Mega data shows a certain thrust in the improvement of these five capabilities. However, at present, there are many problems among university student, such as weak sense of business startups and innovation, lack of inspiration of innovative thinking and poor practical ability. To improve university student' business startups and innovation ability, both internal and external factors should work together. Improving the business startups and innovation ability of university student is a long-term problem faced by higher education personnel training. In this regard, combined with mega data technology, students should actively improve their awareness of business startups and innovation, strengthen the training of innovative thinking ability, and actively participate in practice; teachers should change teaching concepts and teaching models, adjust course teaching objectives, and strengthen their professional quality and practice; schools should improve The business startups and innovation curriculum system strengthens the multi-directional interaction of information and enriches the practice platform.

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