
The researcher in Arabic criticism finds terms that express concepts specific to each of the Arabic sciences, and these terms may have a simple, spontaneous occurrence in line with the emergence of every science or art. It seems that the terminology of Arab criticism in its infancy was associated with the Arab Bedouin environment, and took from it a fixed reference, as many of them originated in the Arab environment, and were influenced by all its types: natural, social and intellectual... The term is the son of the environment, and the environment constitutes a home for terminological creativity, and the contemplator of critical terms realizes this relationship between the terminological and the linguistic concerned. In view of this relationship that combines the dichotomy of (term and environment), the intervention was titled (the critical term between significance and the influence of the Arab environment), and this was in order to answer two prominent problems: - What is the extent of the interaction of monetary terms with the Arab environment? Was the Arab environment able to disclose the significance of critical terms?

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