
The subject of this research is the criteria for the effectiveness of social reportage. The goal of this work consists in development of an algorithm for assessing social journalism materials. The article examines the concepts of “effectiveness” and “social TV reportage”, as well as the key criteria for assessing social live broadcast on regional television. Quality assessment criteria for live TV broadcast include the following: topic selection, choice of interlocutors and locations; staginess (content of questions, their wording, composition of reportage), work on camera (freedom of behavior of the reporter; language and style of presentation: speech technique, speech culture, sense of screen time). The criteria for the effectiveness of social live television broadcast include solution of the discussed problem ; a promise given by the parties responsible for its solution; a promise to think the problem over; full or partial admission of the problem by the competent persons; rejection of the fact that the problem exists. An attempt to develop the algorithm for assessing social live television broadcasts and its testing would allow improving forms of presentation of the materials and increasing the interest of mass media target audience, which defines the scientific novelty and relevance of this work. The research consists of several stages: the first stage is an attempt to develop the algorithm for assessing effectiveness of social live television broadcasting; the second stage marks their classification by the type social problems; the last stage implies analysis of the quality of social reportage. Conclusions are formulated on the algorithm for analysis of social live television broadcasts.

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