
The textbook and the workshop were prepared taking into account the content of the curriculum of the discipline "Russian language and culture of speech". The selection of theoretical material, its volume, style of presentation (popular science), comments - all takes into account not only the non—philological profile of the recipients' training, but also the nature of errors, as well as the degree of their frequency in the speech of ordinary native speakers of the Russian language. The structure of the textbook (the theoretical part divided into sections; thematically grouped control questions; training exercises for each section) allows you to freely navigate in it. Illustrative material includes examples from mass media, prose and poetic texts; statements of public and political figures, figures of science and culture, art, as well as proverbs and sayings. According to the same principle, the material for training exercises was selected. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For non-philology students, as well as individuals working independently to improve the culture of their own speech.

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