
This article is devoted to finding a solution to the issue of food security, which is vital for each country. The article substantiates the importance of the country's food industry in ensuring food security by providing the population with a wide range of food products that ensure a balanced diet, thanks to the use of modern resource-saving technologies. The authors note the benefits of industrial processing of agricultural raw materials into finished food products and the importance of the food industry for the socio-economic development of the country. The authors point out such characteristic features of the organization of the industry as combining the processing of a variety of raw materials, production of various types of food and beverages, dependence on the natural and climatic characteristics of territories and the level of their economic development. The article substantiates the factors of development of the food industry. It is noted that the level of development of the food industry is influenced by the purchasing power of the population and investment attractiveness of the region, changes in consumer demand and preferences that occur under the influence of scientific and technological progress. It also provides an overview of the global food industry market, trends in its development, describes the industries of countries, and highlights the leading companies in the industry. The main problems hindering the development of the country's food industry are identified. Measures are outlined to address them based on the country's existing potential based on PPP, providing preferences to entrepreneurs in order to activate their activities, and combining the efforts of all stakeholders .


  • This article is devoted to finding a solution to the issue of food security

  • which is vital for each country

  • The article substantiates the importance of the country's food industry in ensuring food security

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В статье обосновывается значение пищевой отрасли страны в обеспечении продовольственной безопасности посредством обеспечения населения продуктами питания в широком ассортименте, что дает сбалансированность питания благодаря использованию современных ресурсосберегающих технологий. Авторы указывают на такие характерные особенности организации отрасли, как объединение переработки многообразия сырья, производств различных видов продуктов питания и напитков, зависимость от природно-климатических особенностей территорий и уровня их экономического развития. Пищевая отрасль способствует диверсификации сельскохозяйственного производства, поскольку для переработки пищевых продуктов требуются различные виды ресурсов, что создает стимул для фермерства выращивать и диверсифицировать производство сельскохозяйственных культур.

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