
The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia since early March 2020 has impacted various sectors, one of which is the education sector. Many studies have examined the readiness of teachers, schools, and the government in implementing online learning. However, few studies still discuss the implementation of online learning by students. This study aimed to determine the response and readiness of students in carrying out online learning. This study uses a survey. The survey consists of 34 questions. Before being given to the survey participants, the validity and reliability were tested. Sample collection is done by snowball throwing. The number of participants involved in this survey was 513 students (384 Senior High School Students and 129 Junior High School Students). The learning processes referred to in this study are Readiness to Learning (RL), Self-Directed Learning (SDL), Learning Control (LC), Environment Structuring (ES), Motivation for Learning (MfL), Online Communication Self-efficacy (OCS), Task Strategies (TS), and Self Evaluation (SE). The results showed that gadget ownership (privately owned/owned by parents) did not relate to students’ online learning processes. Internet access (mobile data/wifi) also did not affect students’ learning processes. Gender has a relationship with SDL (female students have a higher SDL than male students), TS (female students have higher TS than male students), and SE (female students have higher SE than male students). Another exciting thing is that the school level (senior/junior high school) has a relationship with LC (junior students have a higher LC than senior students). This survey concludes that gadget ownership and internet access don’t relate to students’ online learning processes. In contrast, gender and school level have a relationship with students’ online learning processes. This study implies that the public perception that when online schooling children must buy gadgets independently is wrong. Children still need parental assistance in using gadgets, even if it’s for online school reasons.

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