
The purpose of this study was to analyze the direct and indirect correlation between principal leadership, subordinate maturity and achievement motivation with the work-related stress of public teachers at Bukit Batu District, Palangkaraya. The researchers used a correlational method with a quantitative approach which was formulated into a path analysis model. The study population of this study consisted of 171 teachers from 16 elementary schools in Bukit Batu District and 119 respondents were taken as the research sample using the proportional sampling technique. The researchers used a questionnaire to collect the data. The data analysis used was descriptive analysis, classic assumption test, hypothesis testing and path analysis. The results of the analysis of the regression coefficient value of the principal leadership variable (X1) and work-related stress (Y) are -0.253, school principal leadership (X2) and achievement motivation (Z) are 0.264, subordinate maturity (X2) and work-related stress (Y) are - 0.342, subordinate maturity (X2) and achievement motivation (Z) of 0.596, achievement motivation (Z) and work-related stress (Y) of -0.288, principal leadership (X1) and work-related stress (Y) through achievement motivation (Z) of -0.076 and maturity of subordinates (X2) and work-related stress (Y) through achievement motivation of -0.157. The conclusions of this study is a description of the principal's leadership in the high category, subordinate maturity, achievement motivation and workrelated stress of SDN teachers in Bukit Batu District in the medium category. There is a significant direct correlation between principal leadership, subordinate maturity and achievement motivation with teacher work-related stress. There is an indirect correlation between principal leadership and subordinate maturity with teacher stress through achievement motivation at SDN Bukit Batu District, Palangkaraya.

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