
Five percent of the world’s children population, have significant mental disabilities. Riskesdas reasearch in Indonesia mental retardation at the age of 24-59 months is the third highest percentage to the disability rate. One of the problems with an intellectual disability is social competence. Parental involvement is an important role in the psychosocial development of children. This research goal is to determine the correlation between parental involvement and social competence behavior in adolescents with intellectual disability in the SLB Negeri Bogor. This study was correlational analitycal with cross sectional approach. The population of the study was parents with intellectual disability adolescents who have age of 12-21 years, were 42 respondent, taken with total sampling technique. The instrument used is Albama Parenting Questionnaire (APQ) 42 item and and social competences questionnaire 20 item. Validity test for social competences instrument using product moment pearson and reliability with alpha cronbach was carried out on 24 respondents on September 30, 2018. Data retrieval was conducted on November 9-12, 2018. Data analysis used univariate and bivariate tests with Chi Square test. The results showed that from 42 respondents as many as 22 (52,4%) had a high parental involvement and 22 (52,4%) respondents with high social competences with p value = 0.032 (<0,05). There is correlation between the two variables and the OR value is 3.980. Adolescent with intellectual disability had high parental involvement will result high social competence behavior.

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