
Parental Involvement in their children's schooling has long been recognized as a critical component of good education. This study aims to find out the relationship between socioeconomic status, interpersonal communication, and school climate with parental involvement in early childhood education. Using survey and correlational research design, data collection was carried out through accumulation techniques with tests and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used statistical analysis and multiple regressions. The findings in the socio-economic context of parents show that the measure of power is an indicator in the very high category with a total score of 5, while the measures of wealth, honour and knowledge are included in the high category with a total score of 4 in relation to parental involvement. The form of interpersonal communication, the openness of parents in responding happily to information / news received from schools about children is a finding of a significant relationship with parental involvement in early childhood education. The school climate describes the responsibility for their respective duties and roles, work support provided, and interpersonal communication relationships, parents at home and teachers at school.
  Keywords: Socio-economic Status, Interpersonal Communication, Climate School, Parental Involvement, Early Childhood Education
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  • There is a large body of evidence suggesting that parental involvement benefits children of all ages (Desforges et al, 2003)

  • There is a significant relationship between socioeconomic status, interpersonal communication, and school climate with the involvement of parents in children's education in Bejiharjo village, Gunungkidul Regency

  • 4.1.4 Socioeconomic status, interpersonal communication and school climate have a significant relationship with parental involvement in children's education (H4)

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There is a large body of evidence suggesting that parental involvement benefits children of all ages (Desforges et al, 2003). This covers both home-based and school-based parental involvement, such as listening to children read and supervising homework, as well as parent engagement sessions and parent–teacher meetings (Hornby & Lafaele, 2011). The family is an important part of a children's educational experience. Several studies have identified family factors as important determinants of academic success. Epstein's (2002) concept of simultaneous domains of control based on the three fields of home, education, and society can be used to categorize the different obstacles to parent involvement The majority of family variables, including systemic (parents' socioeconomic and educational levels, cultural capital, family structure) and dynamic (parent-child partnership, affective environment, disciplinary style, parental level of cognition), influence academic achievement through parental intervention or encouragement (Georgiou & Tourva, 2007). Epstein's (2002) concept of simultaneous domains of control based on the three fields of home, education, and society can be used to categorize the different obstacles to parent involvement

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