
In [1, 2, 3] the Corolla Polynomial $ \mathcal C (\Gamma) \in \mathbb C [a_{h_1}, \ldots, a_{h_{\left \vert \Gamma^{[1/2]} \right \vert}}] $ was introduced as a graph polynomial in half-edge variables $ \left \{ a_h \right \} _{h \in \Gamma^{[1/2]}} $ over a 3-regular scalar quantum field theory (QFT) Feynman graph $ \Gamma $. It allows for a covariant quantization of pure Yang-Mills theory without the need for introducing ghost fields, clarifies the relation between quantum gauge theory and scalar QFT with cubic interaction and translates back the problem of renormalizing quantum gauge theory to the problem of renormalizing scalar QFT with cubic interaction (which is super renormalizable in 4 dimensions of spacetime). Furthermore, it is, as we believe, useful for computer calculations. In [4] on which this paper is based the formulation of [1, 2, 3] gets slightly altered in a fashion specialized in the case of the Feynman gauge. It is then formulated as a graph polynomial $ \mathcal C ( \Gamma ) \in \mathbb C [a_{h_{1 \pm}}, \ldots, a_{h_{\left \vert \Gamma^{[1/2]} \right \vert} \vphantom{h}_\pm}, b_{h_1}, \ldots, b_{h_{\left \vert \Gamma^{[1/2]} \right \vert}}] $ in three different types of half-edge variables $ \left \{ a_{h_+} , a_{h_-} , b_h \right \} _{h \in \Gamma^{[1/2]}} $. This formulation is also suitable for the generalization to the case of spontaneously broken gauge theories (in particular all bosons from the Standard Model), as was first worked out in [4] and gets reviewed here.

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