
A recently-proposed technique, called the dimensional expansion, uses the space-time dimension $D$ as an expansion parameter to extract nonperturbative results in quantum field theory. Here we apply dimensional-expansion methods to examine the Ising limit of a self-interacting scalar field theory. We compute the first few coefficients in the dimensional expansion for $\gamma_{2n}$, the renormalized $2n$-point Green's function at zero momentum, for $n\!=\!2$, 3, 4, and 5. Because the exact results for $\gamma_{2n}$ are known at $D\!=\!1$ we can compare the predictions of the dimensional expansion at this value of $D$. We find typical errors of less than $5\%$. The radius of convergence of the dimensional expansion for $\gamma_{2n}$ appears to be ${{2n}\over {n-1}}$. As a function of the space-time dimension $D$, $\gamma_{2n}$ appears to rise monotonically with increasing $D$ and we conjecture that it becomes infinite at $D\!=\!{{2n}\over {n-1}}$. We presume that for values of $D$ greater than this critical value, $\gamma_{2n}$ vanishes identically because the corresponding $\phi^{2n}$ scalar quantum field theory is free for $D\!>\!{{2n}\over{n-1}}$.

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